WG4 (platform) meeting

Budapest (Hungary)
Meeting: 18 Okt. 2016

WG4 (platform) meeting in Budapest, 18 October 2016

We are organising a working group meeting of WG4 in order to take further steps in the development of a common data format and it’s implementation in the Electronic-Structure Common Data Format (ESCDF) specification and library. This first steps have been taken during an CECAM coding workshop, held earlier this year in Lausanne. Details about the resulting specifications can be found on the CECAM ESL web pages:



The purpose of the planned meeting is to review the current specifications, in particular in view of all-electron codes, such as KKR and LAPW codes, and furthermore discuss a roadmap of the implementation of the ESCDF library.

The meeting will take place at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budafoki str. 8., Budapest
Building F.I. second floor, room Schay, and will last approximately from 9;30 to 4:30.

For further information, please contact Martin Lueders.