Training schools 2014-2018
Title of the Training School | Training School on spectroscopy codes |
Goals addressed |
Description | An introduction to several program packages developed by participants of the action was offered together with practical exercises. Concerning the participation, preference was given to ECIs. |
Output | The participants were given an overview of the available program packages together with their strong and weak sides. They learned how to operate several of the programs to be able to accompany later-on their experimental work by corresponding calculations of spectral properties. |
Location | Sofia (Bulgaria) (ITC) |
Date | 2018-01-15 - 2018-01-18 |
Trainers | 12 |
Participants | 40 |
Title of the Training School | School on Synchrotron Radiation: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications |
Goals addressed |
Description | The purpose of the school was to educate young students and researchers to the usage and interpretation of advanced spectroscopies including XAS, XES, DAFS, PES and so on, at synchrotron radiation facilities. Spefic training in experimental, theoretical and computational methods were provided by first- class researchers in the field. Particular attention and set of specific lectures were devoted to computational methods for interpretation of advanced experiments as part of the aim of the EUSpec network, Students and lecturers were involved in common activities favoring networking at EU level. |
Output | The school offered detailed lectures about the developments of experimental and data-analysis methods, including multiple scattering theory, relevant to the EUSpec COST action. The school encourages scientists working with advanced simulation tools and provided stronger links at EU level for the scientific community. |
Location | Trieste / Muggia (Italy) |
Date | 2017-09-18 - 2018-09-29 |
Trainers | 10 |
Participants | 80 |
Title of the Training School | X-UV Time Resolved Advanced Methods (XTRAM) |
Goals addressed |
Description | XTRAM was the first edition of EUSPEC workshop and school with a strong focus on highly advanced spectroscopies in time resolved domain and their direct comprehension by the most developed theoretical computational and ab-initio means. |
Output | The COST action EUSPEC mission to disseminate and promote the strong advancements in the field of modern quantum mechanics to quantitatively describe atomic and condensed matter spectroscopies was pursued for the cumbersome description of time-resolved spectroscopy experiments. In this last case a still pioneering approach is necessary because of the lack of a fully comprehensive theory able to give a one-for-all solution to the challenging problems under study because of the intertwining of the expectation values of the physical observables essentially in non-equilibrium condition of matter. It is nevertheless difficult to ignore that in these fields there will be the most appealing advancements of the science from the smallest scale to the largest scale problems like in geophysical or astrophysical science. In Erice novel theoretical and computational approaches met the cutting edge frontier of the new experiments with advanced light sources. The school put into short circuit the experience of computation in condensed matter states with the output from novel experiments with advanced spectroscopy tools in last generation large scale facilities. |
Location | Erice (Italy) |
Date | 2017-07-23 - 2017-07-28 |
Trainers | 10 |
Participants | 40 |
Title of the Training School | TRAINING SCHOOL 3 DARESBURY |
Goals addressed |
Description | This course taught the basics of modern electronic structure theory, including density functional theory and methods beyond standard DFT, as well as multiple scattering theory, which is a the basis of the KKR code. Besides standard electronic structure calculations, the course introduced the participants to applications to spectroscopic and also to magnetic properties of matter. The course was organised in collaboration with the UK based computational collaborative projects (CCP) on electronic structure calculations (CCP9) and on computational magnetism (CCP-mag). Both CCPs contributed to the costs of the course. |
Output | The participants of the course got a good understanding of the underlying methods, in particular density functional theory and multiple scattering theory, and learned to set up systems, run self-consistent electronic structure calculations, as well as spectroscopy calculations (depending on their field of interest). |
Location | Daresbury (United Kingdom) |
Date | 2016-11-14 - 2016-11-17 |
Trainers | 10 |
Participants | 40 |
Title of the Training School | Training School on Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory: Prospects and Applications |
Goals addressed |
Description | The "School and Workshop on Time-dependent Density Functional Theory" was a combined event that put together a School for PhD students, post-docs, and early stage researchers in general, and a subsequent Workshop, focused on the topic of time-dependent density-functional theory, and related theoretical tools. The event brought together the leading experts in the field, both as teachers of the School, and as invited speakers. The School was intended to help the students to acquire the necessary theoretical knowledge, and practical working skills, thanks to a combination of theory sessions and hands-on-sessions with state-of-the art codes in theoretical spectroscopy. |
Output | Following previous experiences, the most efficient scheme for training of young researchers in these techniques is to have a school where the basic theory is taught followed by a workshop that introduces them to the forefront research in the field. The school had an equal share of theoretical and practical classes. This eased the learning of the techniques and provides the students with the practical knowledge of the numerical aspects and difficulties, at the same time introducing them to well-established open source numerical codes. At the end of the school, students aquired sufficient working knowledge to pursue their projects at their home institution. The school was then followed by an international workshop, where the new developments of TDDFT and Many-Body Techniques for the calculation of excitations were discussed. Students attending the school were encouraged to attend the workshop, to get in contact with state of the art research in the field. |
Location | Benasque (Spain) |
Date | 2016-09-12 - 2016-09-19 |
Trainers | 11 |
Participants | 40 |
Title of the Training School | EUSpec training school on multiple scattering codes |
Goals addressed |
Description | This school focused of the mastering of multiple scattering codes to model core-level spectroscopies. The first day, the trainees had lectures that gave them all the basic knowledge necessary in order to understand the theoretical description of the spectroscopies embedded into the computer codes. The next three days were devoted to the mastering of five different codes allowing to model X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy, Photoelectron Diffraction or Auger Electron spectroscopies. |
Output | The participants got sufficiently proficient in multiple scattering to be able to run the different multiple scattering codes in order to model several different spectroscopies. These codes were available for them on a USB key. In addition, the knowledge they acquired is sufficient for them to understand theoretical articles in multiple scattering. |
Location | Rennes (France) |
Date | 2016-06-27 - 2016-06-30 |
Trainers | 14 |
Participants | 40 |
Title of the Training School | Winter school on the fundamentals and applications of ab-initio methods in spectroscopy |
Goals addressed |
Description | The School gave a general overview of the characteristics and potentiality of synchrotron radiation to graduated students and young researchers interested in its use. The emission of synchrotron radiation both from the storage rings and from free electron lasers, its properties, most of the experimental methods used, their fundamentals and applications in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Earth Science, Material Science and Medicine was Illustrated. Data analysis sessions, as well as experimental training on some of the Elettra beam-lines, were also organised. |
Output | The participants got an overview of many synchrotron radiation related spectroscopies such as X-ray Absorption, X-Ray diffraction, X-ray scattering and microscopy, Infrared spectroscopies, etc and acquired a background on the theroretical methods used to describe these spectroscopies. |
Location | Ajdov\u0161\u010dina (Slovenia) (ITC) |
Date | 2016-02-01 - 2016-02-11 |
Trainers | 6 |
Participants | 30 |
Title of the Training School | 13th school on synchrotron radiation; fundamentals, methods and applications |
Goals addressed |
Description | The School gave a general overview of the characteristics and potentiality of synchrotron radiation to graduated students and young researchers interested in its use. The emission of synchrotron radiation both from the storage rings and from free electron lasers, its properties, most of the experimental methods used, their fundamentals and applications in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Earth Science, Material Science and Medicine was illustrated. An introduction to several program packages developed by participants of the action was offered together with practical exercises. Concerning the participation, preference was given to ESRs. |
Output | The participants got an overview of many synchrotron radiation related spectroscopies such as X-ray Absorption, X-Ray diffraction, X-ray scattering and microscopy, Infrared spectroscopies, etc. In particular they got an overview of the available program packages together with their strong and weak sides. They learned how to operate several of the programs to be able to accompany later-on their experimental work by corresponding calculations of spectral properties. |
Location | Grado (Italy) |
Date | 2015-09-14 - 2015-09-25 |
Trainers | 2 |
Participants | 10 |
Title of the Training School | Hands-on Course "Introduction to the application of ab-initio methods in spectroscopy" |
Goals addressed | |
Description | |
Output | |
Location | Pilsen (Czech Republic) |
Date | 2015-02-23 \u2013 2015-02-26 |
Trainers | |
Participants | 5 |