EUSpec School and workshop XTRAM 23-28 July Erice(Italy)


X-UV Time Resolved Advanced Methods

 XTRAM is the first edition of EUSPEC workshop and school  with a strong focus on highly advanced spectroscopies and their direct comprehension by the most developed theoretical computational and ab-initio means. An average of 40– 60 attendees and a duration of 4 days taking place in Erice at the Ettore Majorana Foundation. 

For info visit

or send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Aim of the event

The COST action EUSPEC (http:\\ has one main mission: to disseminate and promote the strong advancements in the field of modern quantum mechanics to quantitatively describe atomic and condensed matter spectroscopies. Many important developments during the last  two decades allow a more and more improved treatment e.g. for nano-systems, oxides or organic solids.

Another important example is the demanding description of time-resolved spectroscopy experiments. In this last case a still pioneering approach is necessary because of the lack of a fully comprehensive theory able to give a one-for-all solution to the challenging problems under study because of the intertwining of the expectation values of the physical observables essentially in non-equilibrium condition of matter. It is nevertheless difficult to ignore that in these fields there will be the most appealing advancements of the science from the smallest scale to the largest scale problems like in geophysical or astrophysical science.

In Erice novel theoretical and computational approaches will meet the cutting edge frontier of the new experiments with advanced light sources.




Non-equilibrium density functional theory and many body approaches.

Ultrafast excitation and relaxation in the gas phase. 

Electronic and vibrational dynamics of nanoparticles  and clusters. 

Dynamics of biological systems and interfaces 

Warm dense matter and transient disordered states 

ultrafast excitation regime and population transfer in solids. 

Novel experimental implementation  for ultrafast spectroscopies. 





R. Gunnella,  M. Coreno,  N. Doslic



Scientific Committee 

A. Rubio 

G. Van Der Laan

H. Ebert 

F. M. F. De Groot

M. Marsi

B. Brena

F. Parmigiani

G. Onida

S. Techert

M. Pedio

P. Wernet

N. Doslic 

G. Rignanese 

M. Odelius 







Working group meeting will be held  in Trieste Elettra March the 3rd

3pm dedicated to the scientific program  of the COST School .

For info please contact R. Gunnella ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). 











"XUV spectroscopies and time resolved dynamics"


Elettra Synchrotron Basovizza (Trieste-Italy) 14-15  April 2016

SEMINAR ROOM ground floor Building T2
    1) 11:00  WG meeting
    2)13:00 Lunch
    3)14:00 Thursday Session – Welcome  

14:00 -14:30 F. Bencivenga "Non linear optics in the
ultra-fast regime"

14:30-15:00 V. Valmispild "NOn equilibrium dynamics of correlated

materials: perturbation theory approach"

    15:00-15:30 S. Coriani "Coupled Cluster studies of 
                          NEXAFS of molecules in ground and excited states 

  15:30-16:00 M. Stener "Vibrationally resolved NEXAFS
            at C and N K-edges of pyridine, 2-fluoropyridine

and 2,6-difluoropyridine: A combined experimental
            and theoretical  assessment "
    Coffee Break
   16:30-17:00 E. Giangrisostomi  "Perspectives for  time

-resolved photoemission experiments with Ar

TOF analyzers at BESSY II"
    17:00 17:30 E. Gorelov "Spectroscopy of correlated 
                   materials: many-body approach"
    17:30 18:00 K. Hatada "Saturation

phenomena by ultra short VUV/X-FEL"
    5)20:00  Dinner Center Hotel
    15 April    Friday Session Aula Didattica 2nd floor building T1


  9:15 -9:45  M. Battiato " Ultrafast and gigantic spin injection into


 9:45-10:15  J. Braun  "From the ground state to 
                dynamics: a one-step model description of

angle-resolved photoemission"
 10:15-10:45 P. Wernet  "Orbital specific mapping of 
              chemical dynamics with ultrafast x-rays -

What we have and further need from theory"
 10:45 -11:15 Coffee Break
11:15-11:45 M. Odelius " Simulating dynamics in 
                 core-level spectra in solution"
11:45-12:15  M. Eckstein "Theoretical description of  

ultra-fast pump-probe photoemission

experiments: Photo-induded melting of

excitonic condensates"
  12:15-12:45 P. Decleva " First steps in ultrafast molecular time resolved 
    12:45 Round table for concluding remarks

For any problem please contact R. Gunnella at +39-3204381060


WiFi will be provided within Elettra Lab through
Guest Net
After filling the personal data
choose Secretary support- Romina Skabar

HOTEL "CenterHOTEL Basovizza"

Place to reach is Basovizza where the shuttle bus will stop close to the synchrotron.

From Trieste Station

BUS 39

From/to Trieste/Venice Airport
Shuttle under request at the booking  stops to the Hotel or in Padriciano Bus Station Park, Padriciano is just one stop before Basovizza while going back to Trieste with line N39.    

From Venice Airport there are very frequent buses to Mestre train station.


Videos from the

Time Resolved Ab-initio Methods session at Aveiro (PT) at WAM15


Dr.Lede Xian "Understanding  the photoinduced ultrafast electronic phase transition in  monoclinic VO2 from first principles"

Dr. Alberto Castro "Quantum optical control theory for the combined electron-ionic dynamics with the Ehrenfest equations"


Task of WG 3: Incorporate time-dependence in theoretical spectroscopy

WG Leader: Roberto Gunnella (IT), Deputy: Angel Rubio (ES)

The appearance of femtosecond and attosecond physics has opened a whole new area of physics and chemistry. For example, the reactivity of molecules, whether they are biochemical in nature and located in the human body, or catalytic in the exhaust system of an automobile, is determined by the interplay between their electronic and geometric structures. Thanks to their spatial and temporal resolution, free electron laser (FEL) and last generation SR have disclosed the possibility to study the reactions of molecules spatially and in real-time. WG 3 will consider the following actions: (1) the study of the dynamics of chemical reaction and the probing of matter under extreme and/or metastable conditions by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) supported by specific theoretical approaches mimicking time-dependent Hamiltonian for excitation processes in molecules and quasi-equilibrium relaxation time approximation of the Boltzmann equation in solids/liquid systems; (2) in the case of FEL, the assessment of calculation frameworks commonly in use, when extremely high intensity ultrafast pulses with high coherence degree will be accessible by such facilities in the X-ray energy range; (3) for pump-probe X-ray, the simulation of relevant spectroscopic quantities of interest describing the systems dynamics for a few picoseconds like time resolved luminescence, pump and probe absorption reflectivity, four wave mixing and spin-echo; (4) use of time resolved X-ray emission spectroscopy to complement XAS by enhancing sensitivity to low Z atoms and to electronic details; (5) the dissemination of state-of-the-art techniques and know-how among European researchers to allow to bridge separate fields of disciplines (physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, and other natural sciences). 

Large scale apparatus and infrastructures providing access to external users will largely benefit from the support of the present COST networking. Such benefits could be quantified in cooperation between different expertises and more efficient preparations of experiments and exploitation of the resources involved in the running such facilities. In addition the analysis of data will be faster, leading in a more systematic way by dedicated resources to the establishment of portals to access computing tools and to the huge amount of novel experimental data that have been being collected in the last few years.