Meetings 2014-2018
Meeting type | Management Committee Meeting, Workshop/Conference |
Title of meeting | Final Workshop and MC Meeting |
Goals addressed |
Description | This was the final conference and MC meeting of the EUSpec Action. Therefore, the former was a Whole Action Meeting (WAM) where speakers were selected in each Working Group to give an overall picture of the work that was done during the duration of EUSpec. A round-table was also proposed to discuss the « after-EUSpec ». The MC meeting was finalize this COST Action and if necessary discuss the use possible underspent money. |
Output | The minutes of the MC meeting were made available to MC members in the dedicated area of the EUSpec webpage. Concerning the WAM, as it was the last one, a summary of the discussions of the round-table was sent to all EUSpec members, in addition to the pdf version of the booklet of presentations and abstracts. |
Location | Lisbon (Portugal) |
Date | 2018-02-19 - 2018-02-22 |
Participants | 30 |
Meeting type | Workshop/Conference |
Title of meeting | Embedding for Spectroscopy |
Goals addressed | |
Description | |
Output | |
Location | Stockholm (Sweden) |
Date | 2018-02-12 - 2018-02-16 |
Participants |
Meeting type | Workshop/Conference |
Title of meeting | Valence versus core excitation |
Goals addressed |
Description | The purpose of this two-day workshop was to gather representative researchers from the core and valence electron spectroscopy communities in order to compare in detail the different theoretical approaches that are used in the two cases. Recent advances achieved in the respective theoretical spectroscopies were presented. Examples of comparisons that were considered are: XAS vs. optical absorption, core vs. valence photoemission and energy loss spectroscopies, RIXS vs. NRIXS, etc. |
Output | We expected to identify common problems and possibly different solutions adopted by the two communities. We aimed at sharing the best strategies and combining the best elements of the different worlds in order to make progress in the respective fields. We were set up common test cases where the different approaches can be directly compared and for which new benchmark experiments can also be suggested. |
Location | Paris (France) |
Date | 2017-12-07 - 2017-12-08 |
Participants | 10 |
Meeting type | Workshop/Conference |
Title of meeting | Workshop on recent developments in photoemission |
Goals addressed |
Description | The purpose of the workshop was to present the latest developments in the photoemission instrumentation as well as in the photoemission multiple scattering theory. The workshop was intended both for experimentalists and theorists and it brought them closer together to communicate their respective needs and capabilities. The size of the workshop was chosen for the purpose of round table discussions, that strengthened existing and started new collaborations at European level. |
Output | This conference strengthened the bonds and create new links between the spectroscopists and multiple scattering theorists. State-of-the-art approaches and new developments both in the experiment and the theory were presented, which enabled the information exchange, otherwise delayed by the standard publication channels. |
Location | Pilsen (Czech Republic) (ITC) |
Date | 2017-11-12 - 2017-11-15 |
Participants | 25 |
Meeting type | Management Committee Meeting, Workgroup Meeting |
Title of meeting | MC and Working Group 3 meeting |
Goals addressed |
Description | This was a combined Working Group and MC meeting. Following the school that was run the days before, the WG meeting allowed to discuss the outcome of the school and to present also the latest breakthrough in the field of time-resolved spectroscopies as achieved by the WG members. This latter part was done through presentations and discussions. This also allowed to review the activities that were undertaken during the remaining time of the network. The MC meeting discussed all the running activities and the latest snapshot of the current work and budget plan. |
Output | Minutes of both the WG meeting and the MC meeting were produced and made available for the corresponding members in the dedicated area on the EUSpec website. If necessary, an update of the work and budget plan were proposed, in view of the outcome of the MC meeting discussions. |
Location | Erice (Italy) |
Date | 2017-07-27 - 2017-07-28 |
Participants | 18 |
Meeting type | Working Group Meeting |
Title of meeting | Electron and Absorption spectroscopies: coordination between experiment and theory |
Goals addressed |
Description | The workshop aimed i) to promote the theory-experiment coordination within EUSpec, and ii) to extend the community on Spectroscopies by radiation sources in countries not having synchrotron facilities. In this way the workshop supported experiments by accompanying theoretical studies, discussed the milestone for setting up experiments to challenge the available codes, favoring collaboration/transfer among communities (i.e. XES vs.XAS vs. DAFS vs. PES). |
Output | The central outcome of the workshop was a list of experiments meant to challenge available theory and to be done as far as possible in a collaborative way. An additional and equally important review updated the wishlist of experimentalists concerning theoretical developments needed to have an adequate support for the interpretation of experimental results. |
Location | Krakow (Poland) |
Date | 2017-04-04 - 2017-04-05 |
Participants |
Meeting type | Working Group Meeting |
Title of meeting | WG3 Meeting on the Organization of the School XTRAM in Erice |
Goals addressed | |
Description | |
Output | |
Location | Trieste (Italy) |
Date | 2017-03-06 - 2017-03-06 |
Participants |
Meeting type | Management Committee Meeting, Working Group Meeting |
Title of meeting | EUSpec MC and working groups meeting |
Goals addressed |
Description | This was a combined working group and MC meeting. The working group was devoted to review the achievements and problems of the running grant period. Presentations and discussions were to deal with ongoing issues to organize the activities for the remaining runtime of the grant period. Apart from reviewing the running activities and collaborations the MC meeting was primarily to prepare a first draft for the work and budget plan for the fourth grant period. This included in particular the preparation of a large training school complementing the very successful school February 2016 in Nova Gorica. |
Output | Apart from a report of the status of the various activities, the working group and MC meeting made decisions concerning the work and budget plan of the grant period 2016/2017 if an update were necessary or requested. A draft of the budget plan for the grant period 2017/2018 was sketched that were made available to all for further discussions. |
Location | Athens (Greece) |
Date | 2017-02-13 - 2017-02-14 |
Participants | 35 |
Meeting type | Working Group Meeting |
Title of meeting | Ab-initio correlated methods in spectroscopy: WG 1 Meeting |
Goals addressed |
Description | This networking tool was a combined workshop of the work group 1 (Correlations) and other European networks connected with electronic correlations and spectroscopy. Co-organiser of this workshop Prof. C. Draxl was member of ETSF and NoMAD. During this workshop we planed to discuss various aspects of the DMFT and GW approaches and their combinations. In addition a roadmap for a combined data exchange format for self energy and basis functions were discussed. |
Output | The main output of this workshop was a deeper understanding of the computational approaches discussed and the relationship between them. The possibility of data exchange between the communities enhanced the flexibility and applicability of these approaches. |
Location | Prague (Czech Republic) (ITC) |
Date | 2017-02-06 - 2017-02-08 |
Participants | 12 |
Meeting type | Workshop/Conference |
Title of meeting | International Workshop on Computational Physics and Materials Science: Total Energy and Force Methods. |
Goals addressed | |
Description | |
Output | |
Location | Trieste (Italy) |
Date | 2017-01-12 - 2017-01-14 |
Participants |
Meeting type | Working Group Meeting |
Title of meeting | WG 4 platform: coding workshop |
Goals addressed | Definition of a common data format for exchange between codes and type of data to be exchanged. Setting up a first version of corresponding interface tools. |
Description | The workshop brought together code developers using all electron methods like the APW and KKR. The meeting was used to make the participants (as far as necessary) familiar with the interface to the ESL IO-library and to make extensions to this according to the common definition of the format. The list of commonly used variables were reviewed and extended as far as necessary. |
Output | The workshop supplied for the all-electron codes the necessary IO routines in C++ as well as FORTRAN. This allowed the corresponding program packages to write and read electronic structure data in the common format. The corresponding list of commonly used variables were updated and documented. |
Location | Budapest (Hungary) (ITC) |
Date | 2016-10-18 - 2016-10-18 |
Participants | 6 |
Meeting type | Workshop/Conference |
Title of meeting | Combined MSNano - EUSpec conference |
Goals addressed |
Description | The purpose of this conference was to present recent advancements in the description of spectroscopies within the multiple scattering framework made within the MSNano network. MSNano researchers as well as researchers outside the network presented the latest on multiple scattering. A round table was also planned to discuss plans to federate the multiple scattering community at European level. |
Output | This conference made the summary of the developments of multiple scattering theory for spectroscopies that were made since the start of the MSNano network almost four years ago. This gave the audience the means to go beyond what will have been talked of during the Training School organised the days before. The latter provided the basic knowledge while this conference gave a state of the art of the use of multiple scattering to model spectroscopies. |
Location | Rennes (France) |
Date | 2016-07-01 - 2016-07-02 |
Participants | 8 |
Meeting type | Management Committee Meeting, Working Group Meeting |
Title of meeting | EUSpec MC and working groups meeting |
Goals addressed |
Description | The WG meeting was a joint WG2-WG5 meeting. Its main purpose was to define what work can be shared between the two working groups. The MC meeting discussed the advancement of the Action and took the decisions needed for the Action to run smoothly. |
Output | The WG meeting explored the synergies between the Spectroscopy and Experiments Working groups. The MC meeting took all decisions relevant. |
Location | Rennes (France) |
Date | 2016-06-30 - 2016-06-30 |
Participants | 32 |
Meeting type | Working Group Meeting |
Title of meeting | WG 3 meeting on time-dependent spectrosopies: theoretical tools and contact with experiment |
Goals addressed |
Description | Work groop meeting of WG 3 “Time-resolution” |
Output | The workshop brought together and reviewed the various theoretical methods available within the Action that allow the description of time dependent spectroscopy. Discussions were meant to monitor the potential and limitations of the various schemes. The interaction with the experimental colleagues showed which type of experiments are covered at the moment by these and in which directions further developments are needed. The coordination of these activities was a central issue. |
Location | Trieste (Italy) |
Date | 2016-04-14 - 2016-04-15 |
Participants | 25 |
Meeting type | Management Committee Meeting, Working Group Meeting |
Title of meeting | MC and WG meeting spring 2016 |
Goals addressed |
Description |
MC-meeting: The MC formally approved all decisions made by electronic vote, reviewed and discussed the ToDo-lists set up by the WGs, heard reports from the various Action managers, discussed and decided on organisational issues according to the agenda. WG-meeting: The meeting was used to review and discuss the status of the various activities according to the ToDo-lists. Modifications, if necessary, as well as next steps were discussed. |
Output |
MC-meeting: The decisions and recommendations made by the MC were communicated to all participants. WG-meeting: The meeting led for each WG to an updated and continued detailed ToDo-list with time table and persons involved. |
Location | Nova Gorcia (Slovenia) (ITC) |
Date | 2016-02-09 - 2016-02-09 |
Participants | 16 |
Meeting type | Working Group Meeting |
Title of meeting | WG4 and WG5 meeting on data format |
Goals addressed | |
Description | |
Output | |
Location | Frascati (Italy) |
Date | 2015-12-11 - 2015-12-11 |
Participants |
Meeting type | Management Committee Meeting, Working Group Meeting, Workshop/Conference |
Title of meeting | All Action meeting 2015 |
Goals addressed | Support of experiments by accompanying theoretical studies. Use information collected from the contact points to identify new promising spectroscopies. First steps towards a flexible framework to describe time dependent phenomena and related spectroscopies. Setting up experiments to challenge the available schemes to deal with correlations. Transfer of know-how and promotion of collaboration by organization of a hands-on course and scientific missions. Optimizing full potential multiple scattering schemes and making contact with the LAPW method. Definition of a common data format for exchange between codes and type of data to be exchanged. Setting up a first version of corresponding interface tools. Favoring collaboration/transfer among communities (i.e. XES vs. XAS vs. DAFS vs. PES) |
Description | MC-meeting: The MC formally approved all decisions made by electronic vote, reviewed and discussed the ToDo-lists set up by the WGs, heard reports from the various Action managers, discussed and decided on organisational issues according to the agenda. WG-meeting: The meeting was used to review and discuss the status of the various activities according to the ToDo-lists. Modifications, if necessary, as well as next steps were discussed. Scientific meeting: A scientific workshop with talks and posters to represent the state of art in the field. It defined review the basis for all further common activities and collaborations. The state of the art was represented by invited talks. The meeting reviewed current activities and developments within the action by selected talks and trigger exchange of ideas and corresponding collaborations. |
Output | MC-meeting: The decisions and recommendations made by the MC were communicated to all participants. WG-meeting: The meeting led for each WG to an updated and continued detailed ToDo-list with time table and persons involved. Scientific meeting: The workshop reviewed the state of the art concerning theory as well as experiment for the various topics relevant for the Action. This was documented by the slides of the speakers as well as a written summary that was available after the workshop for download form the Action’s webpage. |
Location | Aveiro (Portugal) (ITC) |
Date | 2015-06-25 - 2015-06-27 |
Participants | 30 |
Meeting type | Directors Meeting |
Title of meeting | Nanomeeting 2015 |
Goals addressed | |
Description | |
Output | |
Location | Minsk (Belarus) |
Date | 2015-05-26 - 2015-05-29 |
Participants |
Meeting type | Working Group Meeting |
Title of meeting | Meeting of Working Group 4: Platform and Working Group 5: Experiment on data format |
Goals addressed | |
Description | |
Output | |
Location | Munich (Germany) |
Date | 2015-04-16 - 2015-04-17 |
Participants |
Meeting type | Management Committee Meeting, Working Group Meeting |
Title of meeting | EUspec working groups meeting |
Goals addressed | |
Description | |
Output | |
Location | Pilsen (Czech Republic) |
Date | 2015-02-26 - 2015-02-26 |
Participants |
Meeting type | Management Committee Meeting, Working Group Meeting, Workshop/Conference |
Title of meeting | WAM 2014 |
Goals addressed | |
Description | |
Output | |
Location | Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) |
Date | 2014-09-15 - 2014-09-15 |
Participants |
Meeting type | |
Title of meeting | |
Goals addressed | |
Description | |
Output | |
Location | |
Date | |
Participants |